Καυστική σόδα για θετικές και αρνητικές φωτοευαίσθητες πλακέτες 250gr BUNGARD
Contains Sodium Hydroxide NaOH.
Stripper for positive and negative photoresists.
This product mainly consists of caustic soda. It helps removing positive as well as negative photoresists from the PC boards. Compared to stripping with solvents, it gives you two main advantages: Less appearance of odours and safe and entire removal of any organic rests on the board which could spoil subsequent wet processing steps. After the PCB was stripped, it is rinsed under tap water and being neutralized. As a side effect, all traces of etching liquid and copper will be removed from the board and from the final rinse water. Use 50-100 g/litre of water to prepare a stripper for positive presensitized boards.